Showing 1 - 25 of 86 Results
Of the Immortality of the Soul a Poem Translated from the Latin of Isaac Hawkins Browne, Esq... by Browne, Isaac Hawkins ISBN: 9781170405505 List Price: $15.75
Immortality of the Soul a Poem Book the First Translated from the Latin by Browne, Isaac Hawkins ISBN: 9781170601976 List Price: $15.75
Immortality of the Soul a Poem Translated from the Latin of Isaac Hawkins Browne, Esq; by Wi... by Browne, Isaac Hawkins ISBN: 9781170614877 List Price: $15.75
Poem on the Immortality of the Soul Translated from the Latin of Isaac Hawkins Brown by J Cr... by Browne, Isaac Hawkins ISBN: 9781170613283 List Price: $15.75
On Design and Beauty. An epistle. [By Isaac Hawkins Browne, the elder.] by Anonymous, Isaac Hawkins Br... ISBN: 9781241179168 List Price: $14.75
Poems upon Various Subjects, Latin and English by Browne, Isaac Hawkins ISBN: 9781177350570 List Price: $22.75
Poems upon Various Subjects, Latin and English by Browne, Isaac Hawkins ISBN: 9781166224073 List Price: $30.36
Essays on Subjects of Important Enquiry in Metaphysics, Morals and Religion : Accompanied by... by Browne, Isaac Hawkins ISBN: 9781167144899 List Price: $48.76
Essays on Subjects on Important Enquiry : In Metaphysics, Moral and Religion by Browne, Isaac Hawkins ISBN: 9781175945488 List Price: $45.75
Poems upon Various Subjects, Latin and English by Browne, Isaac Hawkins ISBN: 9781166164782 List Price: $18.36
Pipe of Tobacco : In imitation of six several Authors by Browne, Isaac Hawkins ISBN: 9781140713753 List Price: $14.75
Poems upon Various Subjects, Latin and English by the Late Isaac Hawkins Browne, Esq; Publis... by Browne, Isaac Hawkins ISBN: 9781140916253 List Price: $21.75
Immortality of the Soul : A Poem by Browne, Isaac Hawkins ISBN: 9781140959007 List Price: $31.75
Miscellaneous Pieces: In Verse and Prose (1770) by Jenyns, Soame, Browne, Isaa... ISBN: 9780548966327 List Price: $52.95
Essays on Subjects on Important Enquiry by Browne, Isaac Hawkins ISBN: 9781150056611 List Price: $40.46
Essays on Subjects of Important Enquiry in Metaphysics, Morals and Religion by Browne, Isaac Hawkins ISBN: 9781150550621 List Price: $34.83
Poems Upon Various Subjects, Latin And English (1768) by Browne, Isaac Hawkins ISBN: 9781104891619 List Price: $22.95
A Pipe Of Tobacco In Imitation: Of Six Several Authors (1744) by Browne, Isaac Hawkins ISBN: 9781104598631 List Price: $15.95
Essays On Subjects Of Important Enquiry In Metaphysics, Morals And Religion: Accompanied By ... by Browne, Isaac Hawkins ISBN: 9781120849236 List Price: $60.95
A Poem On The Immortality Of The Soul (1765) by Browne, Isaac Hawkins, Cran... ISBN: 9781120126399 List Price: $16.95
Miscellaneous Pieces, in Verse and Prose by Jenyns, Soame, Browne, Isaa... ISBN: 9781142431808 List Price: $37.75
Poems Upon Various Subjects, Latin and English by Browne, Isaac Hawkins ISBN: 9781151444561 List Price: $14.11
Poems Upon Various Subjects, Latin And English (1768) by Browne, Isaac Hawkins ISBN: 9781104939465 List Price: $37.95
Poems Upon Various Subjects, Latin and English by Browne, Isaac Hawkins ISBN: 9781154815443 List Price: $16.95
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